Pilgrimssenter Trondheim is planning a collaborative project across municipalities and organizations in Trøndelag called: Tørsskodd til Nidaros. The project will coordinate the upgrading of markings, maintenance and infrastructure for the last 3-5 day stages to Trondheim along the pilgrimage routes. This is to ensure a leader with approximately the same quality standard. The project will design a long-term action plan that will systematize the application processes for gambling funds in the relevant municipalities.


The pilgrim trails in Trøndelag are more exposed to unstable weather during the hiking season than the rest of the trails in Norway. This causes greater wear and tear on the joints, and greater challenges for walkers. The trails become easily muddy and slippery, and trails that cross bogs become inaccessible in some areas. Some people choose alternative routes, which cause further wear and tear on unprepared paths and the risk of walkers losing their way to the marked trail. When it is also steep and rough in some areas, the last day's stages to the Pilgrimsmålet in Trondheim are for some a less than positive end to the hike. The preliminary project aims to build up a network with municipalities, pilgrimage centers and voluntary organizations in Trøndelag that can contribute to a main project. The main project is intended to last for 3 years.

Performance measures

  1. Develop a network with municipalities, the pilgrimage centers and the voluntary organization that will run the work in the main project
  2. Clarify expectations for the various partners in the project
  3. Establish a path plan in collaboration with the county council that lays down guidelines for systematic gambling applications for the next 3 years.
  4. Clarify division of responsibilities

Performance target

  1. Has established a network with representatives from all municipalities, all pilgrimage centers and voluntary organizations that will contribute to the project
  2. All parties have signed a letter of intent and developed a joint project description
  3. A common path plan has been developed for the main project

Measurement indicators

  1. New network established
  2. Clear guidelines on the systematization of gambling applications to the County Municipality
  3. The path plan and cooperation agreement are signed by all parties


  1. Working meetings and network gatherings where all partners are invited
  2. Working meetings/inspections for individual pilgrimage leaders
  3. Mapping of potential voluntary organizations that can be included.

Target groups

The municipalities along the pilgrimage routes in Trøndelag The pilgrimage centers at Stiklestad, Trondheim, Dovrefjell and Smøla and Voluntary organizations with an interest in pilgrimages in Trøndelag.


Regional plan for the cultural environment in Trøndelag 2022-2030. Long-term plan for the pilgrimage initiative 2019-2037.

Project organization The project is led by Pilgrimssenter Trondheim (PST) at Nidaros Pilgrimsgård. PST in collaboration with the other regional pilgrimage centers organizes network meetings with the relevant municipalities. the municipalities and the pilgrimage centers work together to find voluntary organizations willing to take on the physical work. Pilgrimsenter Trondheim as project manager will be beneficial with its central location, well-developed contact network at all 4 pilgrimage centers in Trøndelag.

Collaborative partners Pilgrimssenter Smøla, Pilgrimssenter Stiklestad and Pilgrimssenter Dovrefjell.